We are Synergy Health and Wellness, a team of clinicians including Licensed Massage Therapists and Registered Dietitian Nutritionists. Synergy is Central Oregon’s ONLY Health At Every Size (HAES®) clinic. Our inclusive approach means that we celebrate and nurture you at every size, weight, ability, race, gender, orientation, religion or age.
No one benefits when we only see one type of body as a healthy body. We adhere to the credo: Primum Non Nocere –Above All, Do No Harm. Your wellbeing is at the core of our code and our practice.
Stigma and shame are not sustainable or compassionate motivators and don’t have a place in our health care setting. Any form of oppression is harmful, and its damage to health can far outweigh those related to lifestyle factors.
It is our goal to help YOU create your own definition of wellbeing and then walk beside you as we take gentle steps toward it. This type of partnership is not only more effective in setting you up for self-directed success, but also aims to minimize power differentials often felt between provider and client.
Here's our promise to you:
We are Synergy Health and Wellness, a team of clinicians including Licensed Massage Therapists and Registered Dietitian Nutritionists. Synergy is Central Oregon’s ONLY Health At Every Size (HAES®) clinic. Our inclusive approach means that we celebrate and nurture you at every size, weight, ability, race, gender, orientation, religion or age.
No one benefits when we only see one type of body as a healthy body. We adhere to the credo: Primum Non Nocere –Above All, Do No Harm. Your wellbeing is at the core of our code and our practice.
Stigma and shame are not sustainable or compassionate motivators and don’t have a place in our health care setting. Any form of oppression is harmful, and its damage to health can far outweigh those related to lifestyle factors.
It is our goal to help YOU create your own definition of wellbeing and then walk beside you as we take gentle steps toward it. This type of partnership is not only more effective in setting you up for self-directed success, but also aims to minimize power differentials often felt between provider and client.
Here's our promise to you:
- A compassionate space for healing and growth
- Personalized, attuned massage therapy treatments that allow you to pause, reconnect, and move towards being at home in your body
- Patient-centered, weight-inclusive nutrition therapies to improve relationship with food and body.
- Individual and group programs and treatments provided in a safe and inclusive environment
- Many factors impact our health, wellbeing, and safety. These go beyond just lifestyle and habits, and include but are not limited to--social, economic and environmental factors, including exposure to all forms of stigma and oppression.
- Health is inclusive of physical, emotional, social, occupational, financial, intellectual, spiritual, and environmental aspects. We honor each of these priorities as they apply to your individual stories.
- Our compassion-centered approach encourages self care, promotes esteem building, body satisfaction, and recognizes and embraces diversity.
- We recognize that there are political dynamics of health research and policy which may lead to convoluted health messaging and recommendations from other providers. We are prepared to discuss these with you to assist you in making informed decisions regarding your care.
- In order to create a relationship of trust and confidence, we will protect your confidentiality in all settings.
- We will operate within our scope of practice and training. When appropriate, we will utilize consultation and available resources to meet the needs of the client or if needed, will refer to other qualified provider(s).