Anxieties are running high. It can be a difficult transition from the daily hustle, bustle, running from task to task and rolling the to-do list over to the next morning. How do I sit still? It's so...quiet. This is a global public health situation that I can't control; no amount of boss-babe vibes will fix this. That is scary, and it's completely normal to feel an amount of uncertainty and unrest during this period. The best I can do is stay home, but then what!?
Many folks are finding themselves trying to occupy the time, filling every spare moment with the same amount of intensity and distraction that "normal" life carries, or more. I urge you (and me) to examine this temptation. In the era of "do more" we are increasingly exhausted, distracted, and dissatisfied. This could be our opportunity to do less. Consider this a time to plug our charger into the wall, by staying at home and idling, so that we can recharge our batteries. This is a time to heal, not a time when we are required to learn a new skill, teach our kids Latin, paint the walls, or over-exercise. Unless those things feel healing for you of course--in that case do them! (please avoid over-exercising, but nourishing movement may be a yes!) Perhaps there is a happy medium between idle and rev. Maybe there's enough space to take some time to breathe and pause AND to finally clean behind the fridge. It's your choice; your body will tell you what's needed for your well-being---if you can pause and truly listen. Just know that there is no law about what this "should" look like. This is our time to heal, whatever that means for each of us. This time to simply be, rather than to "do," can be a blessing if we can help ourselves to release our "should" and "have to" ideas, and embrace nurturing and fulfilling our desires of mind, body and spirit and go with the flow. Perhaps instead of the to-do list, try making a "to-be list." (Be present. Be patient. Be outside. Be quiet. Be joyful, etc. What does your "to-be list" include?) Know that you are enough. Right now. Know that you are completely worthy of love, belonging, and respect--whether you clean the fridge or not. We look forward to connecting with you in person once all of this passes, and/or virtually, now. We know that things may look different when we come back from this, and we know that we'll be here to connect with you and support you throughout. As we sink into listening and healing, we may find benefit from some meditations or reflections. We love these resources: Loving Kindness Meditation by Anna Guest-Jelley of Curvy Yoga Portland Insight Meditation Center Headspace Meditation App |
AuthorThis blog is co-authored by Synergy's team of Registered Dietitian Nutritionists, Licensed Massage Therapists, and Diabetes Educators practicing in Bend, Oregon. As providers following Health at Every Size® (HAES) and Body Trust® philosophies, they strive to help EVERY BODY thrive. Categories |